What is blogging?

If you are interested in online business opportunities then you might hear of blogging. But if you are not into this field then read through this article then you can get an idea about a blog post. In this post, I will make the discussion as simple as possible so that anybody can understand how these blogs work.
Read till the end and collect all 6 tips.

The layout 

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The formal definition of a blog.

A blog is a discussion or informational website published on the World Wide Web consisting of discrete, often informal diary-style text entries. Posts are typically displayed in reverse chronological order, so that the most recent post appears first, at the top of the web page. Wikipedia

Let me make this definition more simple and easy to understand.
  1. A blog is a discussion: Here you can discuss a topic or an incident with your audience. Express only your own ideas since those are really valuable for your readers.
  2. Give value to ideas: We all have ideas in our mind. So blogging is a really good method to express them. When you process your ideas into a  blog post and publish it creates value by showing your idea to the word. If you are really serious about this matter blogging will even pay you with cash.
  3. No worries in formal writing: Blog must represent your own ideas. So it's up to you to decide the tone of the blog. But remember at the end of the day we are dealing with people, not robots.

Why should I start blogging?

Why should I start blogging

                                                                                                             Information source credit goes to:https://www.dailyinfographic.com/state-of-blogging-industry

I hope you were able to get an overall idea of the blogging industry. Everything takes time so more early you start your results will appear soon.

How to start this blogging game.

This is the question which was in my head when I first knew about blogging. First thing what I did was I learned each and everything that I need to know to start blogging. I search throughout the internet, read many blog posts and tried to identify the structure and the behaviour patterns. Now let's go through 6 essential factors that you have to know when starting blogs.

1. Have deep knowledge about the anatomy of a webpage/blog post.

A web site composes of several important parts. Go through the image below to get a rough idea about them.
Overall structure of a blog website

I personally believe that before you start blogging learn more about above parts of a website and a blog that will help you to make your blog more user friendly for your readers. If your web site looks nice and full of quality content then your followers will be happy to engage in your blog.
If you really feel that you need to know more about the website and blog structures stay tuned for the upcoming posts.

2. Finding the right niche/topic to discuss.

This is the most important area that you need to focus 100%. Many bloggers fail because they don't know how to tackle this. If you made a mistake at the start that will reflect in future where it will be too late to correct it. So take your time, think freely, think about a new idea.
If you fell I need some guidance then go through these steps again and again until you find your niche

  • What sort of passion do I have?
  • What are my interests? Do people like to read about my interests?
  • What kind of problems have I solved in my life? Do others also have the same problem.
  • Tip1: Many readers do blogging to find real-life solutions for their problems.
  • How can I help someone to make his/her life easy?

Other than above you can question your self until you feel
"Yes, this will be an interesting topic even for me"
Tip 2: If you are not interested how can others be interested in your niche.
Do the research and confirm it. That will surely build your confidence. I will discuss more information about research tools that you can use for free in the next few posts, so subscribe and stay connected.

3. Find a blogging website.

Be sure to do deep research before choosing your blog hosting website. When discussing hosting websites there are mainly two types.

  1. Rent and start. (Eg Blogger)
In these websites, the entire webpage is designed for you. You can start blogging right now by creating your content. But there are a few pros and cons.

  • In most of the cases, it's free. You don't have to pay to start the blog.
  • All the software are perfectly integrated for you.
  • Already created traffic is present.
  • Good analytical tools.
  •  Tip 3: Better for beginners since you can make many mistakes, it won't cost you. 
  • In most of the cases, you are not the owner of your blog site.
  • Some restricted rules are present
  • It will limit your creativity in designing
  • The blog might not be as attractive as what we expect
  • Limited monetizing methods.
 "Why am I going to waste time building my own website since everything is provided for free"
This is what all of us going to feel in the next topic.
But it might take some time for you to identify the unlimited opportunities that bloggers can receive by developing our own website.
Tip 4: You get what you paid for.

  2. Build and start. (Ex: Wordpress)

This the best method to apply if you wish to have more freedom in your blog."I don't know how to code", is not an excuse today. There are many platforms which you can build your dream website without knowing a single code. I will post a separate article describing those platforms in my next few posts.

"This the best method to apply if you wish to have more freedom in your blog" this sentence might create a positive image about build and start method. But it is not as sweet as what we think.


  • You are a free blogger.
  • Many premium level designs can be applied to the website to make it look nice and interesting.
  • Can monetize in whatever the way you want.
  • Many functionalities can be included.
  • Can build an actively engaging environment for your readers.


  • It will cost you. Your time and money.
  • Need to have good knowledge when choosing the right themes and plugins.
  • You have to handle everything.
  • Each and every mistake that you make will count.
  • Can easily go wrong if you don't know what you are doing.

4. Create content.

As bloggers what we actually do is creating content. This is the opportunity for you to create your audience. This content needs to unique and it should reflect your style of expressing ideas.

Today many blogs fail as sooner they start. They post 100s of articles a week assuming that more the content more the readers. That may be true for some extend but what really matters is the quality of the work

Tip 5: What really matters most is the quality, not the quantity.

I will bring more tips for you about "How to organize your content" in my next few posts.


"I made 1Million doing blogging"
                                        "Blogging is a cash machine"

                                                                    "I bought this car entirely from blogging money, bro" 

These are a few statements that represent the emotional side of blogging. I don't think that is impossible, it can be done. But here everything depends on your hard work.

Since the main aim of this article is to provide a simple view of what is blogging I will limit this section to one topic. Get in touch with the upcoming posts I will express my view on each and every method of monetizing.
logo of google ad sense

This the most common way of how bloggers make money. By showing advertisements. Google has a special platform where we can list our website for google to show their ads for your readers. For proving the webspace/marketable environment google will pay you.
To list our website in google platform it should meat several standards and the blog need to be in the right quality.
If you need more info check this link:https://support.google.com/adsense/answer/7402253?hl=en

6. Always  be connected

Making a blog is not a big deal(personal idea). But continuing it while maintaining the right standards and increasing the traffic is the final and the hardest mission.
Tip 6: Always let your readers feel that you are in touch with them

Use social media and other connecting methods to hang out with our readers. Their view on your blog is the most important indicator that you can set to measure the growth of your blog. Make your audience strongly attach to you.

So finally I believe this content might have helped you. If you really think please comment it below. In case if you started your first blog after reading this article comment with the link to your blog.

Stay tuned. Stay connected


  1. I also started blogging. This one was looks written for me. Thanks!


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